Design Integrator at Windows

My first foray into large scale software development was as Design Integrator at Windows. Starting in November 2014, I worked under the tutelage of a Senior Design Integrator to help ship the Windows Store App as part of the Windows 10 launch in July 2015. It was an amazing experience to take part in such a well honed machine that built one of the focal points in modern computing. There I learned how to collaborate with designers and the techniques used to build an operating system used by over 700 million people today.


The Windows Store

The center of commerce for Windows; apps, games, movies, music and reading - you'll find it at the Windows store. This app is fully adaptive; it ships on desktops, tablets and at one point, phones.

Product Detail Page

Want more information about the app you're downloading? The Product Detail Page not only had everything you needed to know, but showcased the app with engaging content. Not quite what you were looking for? We had other recomendations a click away.

Ratings and Reviews

A rating system is the cornerstone of trust in the e-commerce world, so we knew we needed a top tier system in place. The data packed design and adaptive nature made this UI quite a project; we needed to handle the succinct and verbose reviews effectively and and performantly. I think we nailed it.



Start Screen Folders

While at Windows, I had the opportunity to build out some animations for the start screen, this one's my favorite. Start screen folders are great for staying organized, especially for tablet users. But the interaction had to be perfect; pleasing, quick, intuitive, and subtle. It needed to look as great with 32 tiles as it did with 2. Myself and a motion designer spent well over a month iterating over this interaction to get it just right. Built in C++/Cx.